
By lucia13


Hello everybody !
Thanks for all the comments , support and lovely words. I let you know that I am feeling better. Only little bit tired for my lack of sleep.

I couldn't go to see my swan today. I hope I can go tomorow.

It was a raining today all day . I was inside enjoying finishing this oil painting of the forest for my sister. I showed her by skype and she liked it so it is for her. I think I go to spend more time painting that blipping . I like both but since I started blipping I have less time for my other hobbies , so It is the best moment to start again finishing my other paintings .
I had one lovely visit at tea time . Coco came to visit me and we enjoyed the company of each other until my husband arrived from the job . I shouldn't let coco stay inside because my lovely husband is allergic to cats but I love animals especially this cat . Coco is like my adoptive cat . I love him and when he come to me. miau! miau!! I feel sorrry for him and open the door and let him stay with me until my husband comes home. Today my love forgave me becouse it was raining .

The painting was drying and Coco sat by the window waiting for it to stop raining to go to the garden.

It is nothing special this pic . I was not very inspired today for take any pics so Coco made it easy for me. He just sat down there looking at the garden when I was enjoying my tea and reading a little bit. Then I saw him very relaxed looking at the garden I am enjoying this moment but when I go to take my camera he escaped from me like he normally use to do. so I couldn't take another better but I got my blip for today. I don't want to have a gap on my blip calendar. At least until my blipday 100. We'll see later.

I hope you all had a lovely day and keep smiling with the blips ..


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