Where are the bunnies?

Hasn't it been a horrible day?................... very cold and wet. All day! In fact, it's so cold that we've had to put the heating on. Ann is wearing a fleece and she's still cold. And to think that she was hoping to do some sea swimming today. Obv that hasn't happened.

I got woken up at 7am because Ann wanted to take me on my walk before she did an 8.30am Zumba class. We went along the lane. I like it along the lane because I'm allowed off my lead and at the end of the lane is a big field where the bunnies live. Unfortunately none of the bunnies were out playing today. Probably because it was chucking it down with rain. Ann was wearing her dry robe because that's what all the best dressed dog walkers wear in St Ives and I have to say it kept her very dry.

Late morning we went over to Asda in Hayle because it had stopped raining so Ann said I could have a walk down by the estuary after she'd done her shop. I love it there because there are loads of prickly bushes where the bunnies live. Today there wasn't a single bunny in sight so I actually had to go right into the middle of the prickly bushes to see if I could find them. I couldn't. Booo hooo. And then it started raining again so we got soaked!!

By this afternoon, it was obvious that Ann wasn't going to be doing any sea swimming and as we had some more sun terrace furniture arriving, she decided to stay in for the delivery. Normally Ann is happy for delivery drivers to just leave parcels outside our front door but today it was raining so hard that she didn't want anything left out in the rain. DPD Dale arrived when DPD said he would and he had to carry our very heavy outdoor furniture all the way up our 26 outside steps. DPD Dale is a legend in St Ives. He delivers all over the town and is always really cheery.

By this time my human was actually being quite focused and wasn't watching daytime TV and spent a couple of hours writing some of her book............ 'My life in lockdown.' Yes it finally might happen. #watchthisspace

Just after 4pm the rain stopped so Ann said she'd take me down to the beach for a play. Guess what happened the minute we got out of the front door...................... the heavens opened and it started to pour with rain again, so I only got taken in the field for a quick toileting walk. Even so we both got absolutely soaked. And now the house smells of wet dog. Well it's hardly likely to smell of wet cat is it?

And that's been our day. I've just gobbled up my dinner because I didn't bother eating my breakfast and Ann is going to make a chicken & chorizo tray bake for dinner that she'll probably be eating up for the next couple of days. One of her many things that she has on her 'to do' list (whilst we're in Cornwall) is to try out at least one new recipe a week. 

Mmmmm................ there's a lot of things on Ann's 'to do' list for the next 3 months. It will be very interesting to see how many of them she manages to do???!!!

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