Frittering the day away

My human is cross with herself. She was determined that while we are here, in Cornwall, she is not going to spend her time frittering the day away watching daytime TV. She's allowing herself an hour (after I've had my morning walk) to have breakfast and to catch up on whatever TV is most important to her. Today she didn't really have much to do, so she also frittered away a couple of hours at lunchtime watching 'Classic Eastenders'. ….............That is why she is cross with herself. Watching TV should be something one does when one doesn't have anything better to do. And Ann has plenty of things to do while she's here. She just needs to get into a routine!

This morning she painted the last of our sun terrace walls, so that's the sun terrace looking lovely now. Unfortunately the new outdoor rocking chair, that arrived a couple of days ago, is still waiting to be built and she's ordered two new chairs and a coffee table for outside which will also need building. She hasn't even been able to construct the parasol holder that she ordered because she needs a spanner and she hasn't got one. Problems, problems. 

Whenever we come back to Cornwall, Ann likes to get all the jobs done straight away so that we can relax and enjoy our home here. Oh well, ho hum, Ann's hoping that she can find a 'handyman' to build all our outdoor furniture for us at the beginning of next week.

After she'd painted the sun terrace walls, she tidied out our under-stairs cupboard. Our under-stairs cupboard is full of 'essential stuff' that we're probably never, ever going to need, but feel like we have to keep it. Ann chucked out a bin bag full of 'stuff' and tidied the rest of it. A job well done.

It's really difficult when you're renting out your house to holiday makers.  My human wants to make it as 'homely' as possible, but also remove all personal clutter. Ann thinks she's doing a good job. She's never had a bad review yet, so she must be doing something right. And she has the bestest housekeeper in the world. Thank you Julia. BUT......................... there's always a 'BUT' isn't there.................. It's just a pity that holiday makers don't show the same respect to property owners.................. Our kitchen worktops are full of scratch marks including one area that looks like someone has taken a brillo pad to it (see extras). We have two big wooden chopping boards and four small plastic type ones, so WHY do holiday makers feel the need to chop things directly on a worktop? Would they do that at home?

Ann doesn't want to be one of these holiday home owners, who post notices all over the place. We have a very detailed information folder (with appliance manuals for every single item) that is left prominently on the breakfast bar. Ann messages all her visitors the morning after they arrive, to ask if everything is OK and then she messages them again, the evening before they leave. Is there anything more she can do? She tells her guests, 'treat my home as if it were your own'???!!! Would they chop things directly onto a worktop at home?

Enough ranting!!!

I had my morning walk down on the beach (in this BLIP). And then I had a late morning walk through the park and up to STAR (where Ann used to work). And then I had another walk along the beach this afternoon.

Ann had a chat with the lifeguards. She thought they were only on duty over Easter and then wouldn't be back until the May half term. Apparently they're going to be on 'Porthmeor Beach' 10am-6pm for the whole summer. Ann has been wearing her 'dry robe' when she takes me for my walks along the beach so the lifeguards probably thought that she looked like a real cool surfer babe. OK, probably not. Lol! Anyway, Ann asked if they could keep an eye on her if she went swimming alone. Obviously they can because that is their job, so hey ho........................... my human is hoping to do Zumba classes at 9am on a Mon & Thurs and then go swimming at 10am 2/3 days a week. Will it happen? Who knows.....................


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