Another Day .....

..... another maypole.

This one is outside the Church Of The Ascension where daughter#2's wedding will be held later this year.

They chose this particular church not just because it has a maypole, but also because they hold English speaking services and they really like the Priest-in-Charge, 'The Reverend Dan'. We met him today. He was a bit jet lagged as he only flew in from the US the day before. I hope he doesn't do that in October. They have a very good choir too.

Quite a change in the weather after yesterday's heat, with rain first thing. The rain had stopped by the end of the service but we decided the beer garden might be a bit damp and a bit ambitious time wise anyway. We were driven straight to the airport hoping to have a late lunch in the pseudo beer garden there, but it was closed. So we had a McDonald's! In the open air though because by this time it had really brightened up, contrary to the forecasts.

Our flight was on time today, but it took an age to get through 'the border' at Heathrow. As is always the case in our experience many of the ePassport gates weren't working. Everyone in front of us was having to go to the 'seek assistance' gate, one girl actually got trapped in the gate as the screen went down and she couldn't get back out again. Luckily for us they rebooted the gates we were using just as we got to the front of the queue, so we got through OK. We then had to wait another age for the baggage to come through. After about 30 minutes the carousel started and just one case was delivered - one of ours! It took another 10 minutes for others to come through, including eventually our second one.

The extra shows Buckingham Palace looking good in some sunshine as we came into Heathrow. The sunshine didn't last - by the time we got out of the car park it was lashing it down, which it basically kept up all the way back.

Good to be home though.

One year ago:
No Oil Painting

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