Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce

What a day

Well the big meeting couldn't have gone any better, we instantly recognised each other and turns out we worked for the same company about 15 years ago.

Full steam ahead for creating a bespoke own-labelled range of products - lip balms, hand wash, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, room sprays, diffusers and body lotion for both the hotel and for retail too. Spent the afternoon making samples ready for testing before we finalise on the signature fragrance. Lip balms alone for one hotel we're looking at 8,000 per year plus I have another customer that wants then by the thousands too. Thank goodness I've got helper no1 sorted. There may well need to be more.

As if the day couldn't get more exciting, my friend (and PA designer) was down from the Highlands visiting clients so came to stay for the night and another local friend came to join us for dinner.

So exciting and so lovely to have these people in my world. Utterly pooped but will catch up on things tomorrow. How do you come down from a game changing day like today...?!

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