Not Luskentyre Beach!

I was in two minds whether or not to have an expedition to the waves at Porty this morning, but the realisation of a high tide at 8am with just a gentle east wind and the knowledge that next week low tides, which I was going to avoid, would be  happening, propelled me out of the door at 6:50am for the hour long commute. 

The sea was calm and although the day was misty and murky, bobbing about in the briny was relaxing and soothing. There were 3 other girls in the water at the same time so I didn’t feel alone.

It was a pity though that  the beach today was so heavily covered in coal dust at high tide level. Porty Beach is not generally a shell beach but there was quite a collection of shells looking startlingly white against the black coal dust. The presence of coal dust must be explained by this piece of information from Google :-
From 1964 to 1982, a tunnel existed under the Firth of Forth, dug by coal miners to link the Kinneil colliery on the south side of the Forth with the Valleyfield colliery on the north side.The shafts leading into the tunnel were filled and capped with concrete when the tunnel was closed, and it is believed to have filled with water or collapsed in places.

The day is beginning to perk up now as are all the dandelions which know to keep their heads down when the weather is inclement.

I will venture into town after lunch for a coffee with the Maggies Kitchen Table group of friends. Because Contini’s  have changed our meeting place from the RSA gallery café to George Street we are going to be offered a Prosecco on the house.  There will be a mad rush home afterwards for the TGIF drinks with neighbours.  Happy Friday!

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