The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Fabric sale at the Trinity Rooms

I was there for the Repair cafe. It was electrical repairs again. In January I had my electric throw switch repaired (sort of) and this month it was my Bluetooth headphones' turn. A wire had become unsoldered, because one of the earcups kept falling off and the wire became loose. The volunteers managed to re-solder the wire, and when I got home I just looped a hair elastic round the cup, as these are my second-best pair now (I bought another cheap and cheerful set for going out and about when the first ones broke).

While I waited, I chatted to various people including a town councillor; a couple who had lived in Brittany for 18 years; one of the volunteer electricians who turns out to live in my street.

Lunch was served, which I wasn't expecting. All good and healthy: I had Mediterranean vegetables and polenta. There was also a fabric sale going on, and the ladies that knit and sew were sitting and knitting. I love this place!

Then I ran downtown and spent almost a tenner (shock horror!) in a charity shop. Only went there for a birthday present (£1.50). Got some vegan fudge from L, who was just packing up her stall in the cemetery(!) and popped into the Shambles to see CleanSteve. Did a brief tour of the town's charity shops and went home to sunbathe in the cabin, because the afternoon had turned balmy. Hope the weather stays this way.

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