The Great Search For....

..Goat cheese! 

Today was a bit of a follow-up to our visit to Najac yesterday. When we were visiting the church there, a friendly fellow, seeing us reading a brochure about the Communauté monastique des Anawim near Monteils, suggested that we make a point of visiting it. Apparently it is somehow partnered with the church and sells delicious goat cheese and confitures that are made on site. Being fans of all things goat, we could not resist! 

Without access to Google, we had no choice but to rely on rather basic tourist maps, our innate sense of direction, and the hope of clear signage...alas...none out of three is bad! it was a very long and winding road that got us there, almost by accident!

For once our timing was impeccable. We arrived at 2:20 and the little shop opened at 2:30!  (we are finally getting used to the concept that in France, everything closes from 12- 2).

We were met by Sister Mary, a very enthusiastic and welcoming person with an engaging laugh...I love people who like to laugh...who with no English, guided us through the 137 different types of confitures - we chose 4 - and then led us over to the cheese display...such lovely little rounds of chèvre..... how could we not indulge? 

The only disappointment was that we did not meet the goats...apparently they were out in the forest somewhere? ...not sure of that though, as it was all explained to us en français!  

Our return trip was ever so much shorter..and ended up in Najac? Seems there was a shorter route? Of course, there was..Even Mr. Google knew of one...but of course we could not consult him without wifi...

Luckily, we had come armed with our computers, so, as we were already there, made a stop at the Najac Tourist Information Office for a quick dose of internet...and looked up the route we should have taken! 

Life is so much more challenging offline. 

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