Chasing the light

It was probably inevitable that today would be a let down after yesterday. No sunshine, skies grey instead of blue, dampness replacing warmth; and my physical state reflects all this - energy drained. Still, it’s a chance to catch up on some much needed ‘life-admin’ - however ineffectual my efforts. 

Late afternoon brings a lightness to the sky, and we take an evening drive to a Llandudno bathed in golden light. Thoughts drift to a West Shore sunset, but that’s at least an hour off and ominous clouds are gathering to the south and west. 

The drive around the Orme sees us chasing the light as the sun slips ever closer to the bank of clouds. As we turn down towards West Shore - just where I photographed the goats last week - I just manage to catch the final rays of sunshine on the Carneddau before greyness returns once more. 

Today’s main is a trio of shots from this point, with a mono extra of a wider view across the estuary to Conwy and its castle. 

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