Falling …..

There’s little doubt that sunshine lifts the spirit; so it is today - and the fact that it is unexpected makes it all the better. 

But more than that, a phone call from one of my Liverpool consultants throws me the lifeline I’ve been waiting for. The machinations of the system mean these people aren’t instantly accessible, but this morning she’s received my letter and things are swinging into action - the painfully slow diagnostic process hopefully moving up a gear. 

Tomorrow, they will meet to ponder the next stage, possibly admitting me for a range of imaging and tests - I know it seems impossible that there are still more things that they can look at. I know it’s hard to understand, but basically I’m still a medical conundrum, with a condition that seemingly doesn’t directly correspond to any known disease - though it has features of many. 

This makes little difference to my current catheter situation - but it’s the long-term outlook that keeps me awake at night. At least now I feel they’re on the case and the inadequacies of my local health board can - to an extent - be bypassed. I have that ‘lightness’ which comes with feeling that diagnosis and treatment will come soon - but I try to temper this with the knowledge that it may well still take a while. 

Today’s image of a dandelion seed-head falling seems relevant to the way I’ve felt  of late, but in extras there’s the gentle cradling of another in the arms of an adjacent stitchwort flower which is probably more symbolic of the way I feel today. And there’s another extra of a tiny spider clinging to the petal of a wilting tulip - possibly symbolic too! 

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