Spirit of Endeavour

We were in Skipton this morning for our Optician appointments.  Coincidentally, I started with floaters in my right eye yesterday so it was good to have a health check.  Apparently, there is no problem and they will hopefully disappear soon.

We took the quiet way along the canal back to the train station to avoid the main road and this is where I blipped the Spirit of Endeavour which must provide experiences for folks with mobility issues.  They were heading out of the basin towards Bingley/Leeds as we passed.  The Basin is always an interesting place with lots going on.

Back in Bingley we lunched at the Craft House and bumped in to five different parkrunners and AuntieP!  I told AuntieP that we would be balsam bashing again in a week or so, hopefully she will be able to join us.  After yummy lunches we called in for some milk and then drove back to the village, calling in at Woodbank to pick up bedding plants for the baskets, jardinière and window boxes.  

Angela messaged soon after we returned home and, despite the rain, we walked a soggy circuit around the caravan park.  It's sunny out there now.

Last night it was the last leg of 'Race the World' and the contestants reached Newfoundland and Nova Scotia.  It was really enjoyable, especially as we didn't mind who won, but also because they were journeying through Bighill's backyard.  I kept messaging her on Blip, 'They're heading to Baddeck!' 'That's where you went for your break last week!'  Another smashing side to Blip which opens up so many extra worlds.  Certainly Bighill's Backyard looked very beautiful.

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