A glorious day weatherwise - in fact it actually got too warm for me at one point eeekkk!!.

Hubby and I went into Grange this morning for a bit of shopping.  Then went for a brisk walk along the prom to see what has been done to the Lido so far.  Well they've put metal walls up on the outside and fencing around the actual Lido to safeguard the men, but that's all so far - that I can see anyway.  They have taken over a very large part of Berners Close car park in front of the Surgery and with the Windermere Road car park being closed due to work having started on the new Spar cum Petrol Station - parking in Grange is as a premium.  

Anyway we enjoyed our walk, then walked back along to the station to pick up the newspapers and then back along the yop of Grange's ornamental gardens to the car park and on up to Thyme Out for coffee and brunch. 

As we left Grange it was becoming too warm for me  -  largely due to the sheltered areas on concrete and the car park was full with people queueing to find a space.  Well a glorious day on a Saturday I guess and two car parks more or less out of use I guess that's the way it's going to be for the summer months and weekends anyway.

I came home to edit some photos I took whilst in Grange, as part of my Lets Do 52 challenge of curves.  Well that was the idea but boy has it been a slow process.  For some reason LR kept coming up "Not Res;onding" and it would take me a good 10 to 15 minuttes to edit one thing which would normally take seconds to a minute or two!!!  Aaarrgghhh!!!.  Don't you just love technology!!!!

Now I'm just chilling - enjoying Mr Blackbird singing his heart out in the garden and relaxing.

Have a great weekend everyone, stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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