Diary and the Spring Flood

I have learned many things through Blipfoto.   I've learned from other users of blip and I have used search engines to find something about one of the pictures I'm posting. Then there is blip as a diary.
It took a few years before I appreciated the diary function and what I could learn from it. Yesterday my picture was our plum blossom. Doing a quick search using @keibr to get only my pictures, and #blossom to get only pictures tagged with "blossom" I found that our plum tree flowers between the 15th and 29th May. It does this every year, regardless of the spring weather, or how deep the snow is in winter. Some years there are no plum blossom blips, so maybe it wasn't a good year for blossom, or perhaps I was away at the time.
Today's picture is off the annual spring flood. Unlike the events currently happening in Italy this is not (usually) catastrophic. It happens every year and houses are generally built far enough from the water that they aren't affected, even if the water does creep a little too close for total comfort.
Unlike the blossom the date for this annual flood does vary a lot. It can be almost any time in April or May, and this year the chilly spring delayed it. The levels are unusually high because there was a lot of snow, and it's all melting in one whoosh! The water usually flows in the channel closest to the camera, maybe a meter and a half lower than current levels. The ground beyond which is a shallow lake just now is usually a bit of a marsh but one can walk around on it most of the year.
The birds love this flooded area but because it's a bit late the migrating birds have all already migrated past this year.
I took the picture on my way to Sundsvall to help Lasse set up bookshelves, move boxes, and generally sort the stuff we took over at the weekend. Mika the dog was away at the actual weekend of the move but has now moved in to their new home. She's a little nonplussed at all the activity going on, but happy enough when it's time for a walk or for food.

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