White Dead Nettle

Yesterday morning, I was going to write about something else, but then there was the fiasco of the chemist, my medicines etc

What it was, was yesterday morning, I went into the kitchen to find the new cat flap is broken. It is the swing door that is broken and the hinge bit has broken on the surround and I cannot mend it.
I have no idea or what did it. The trail camera in the kitchen did not get set off when that incident took place so it must've been a very speedy incident.
It might have simply been Midnight charging in like a cannonball, because of whatever was outside...who knows.
So this is another repair job. I had completely forgotten about it yesterday until it came to bed time and I'm locking up and I realise I completely forgot about this draughty hole into my kitchen.
I have already been in the garage this morning but everything I thought of to make some kind of swinging door, I had already used that for something else... so I need to get my thinking cap on.

YouTube nighttime video from Wildlife nighttime cameras.
Fox & Badger - Where are the cats???

This morning as I am doing my digital pastel painting, there is a ginger cat feeding off Midnight's food in my bedroom. There was another ginger cat in the night feeding while I was asleep, and Midnight was elsewhere. I just woke up for a second and turned the light on! I was relieved it wasn't a badger, so we both did the slow eye blink, and I went back to sleep.
The male blackbird, who nests in the front garden, has just flown to my bedside table (my bedroom door is open to the garden) and this is the first time ever for him. We look at each other, and then he flies off for some food for his babies.

Midnight appears to have done such a good guarding job at the swing, that the cat dishes, under the swing from last night, have not been licked clean by the fox, but all the peanuts and stuff I put in the bushes for the foxes and badgers have been eaten.

To get back to creative, this is a White Dead Nettle in my garden painted in Procreate.

Guess what!?!
The pair of sparrows in the honeysuckle bush have just brought out their baby for the first time for feeding. Only for a couple of minutes. Miss Fluffy looks gorgeous... I think this must be the time of year when I give sparrows and small birds their names!!! She must be a daddy's girl because he is feeding her while mum is eating at the feeders.

I need a nap...
And a cuppa!
Have your best day.

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