The weather was lovely today - warm and sunny.  So I had a pleasant walk to the village.  As I passed the Glebe there was a kids football match taking place.  The teams seemed to be made up of boys and girls.  There was a large crowd of supportive parents/grandparents. 

Did some shopping in Herons and Tesco - collected a parcel in Tesco as well.  No problems there unlike yesterday in W H Smiths.

As I was walking home trying to make my way through the overgrown part of the back lane I thought I would blip it.  Most of the lane through the allotments is wide enough for a car and is easy to walk along.  However there is a track at the end that only goes to the back of 3 houses in my Close and this part is very overgrown.  The only people who walk along here are me and my next door neighbours when they walk their dog.  With the recent sunshine and showers the vegetation has shot up and the track is almost impassable.  Beyond this overgrown bit its Ok as my other next door neighbour does a good job of clearing it now and again - as you can see in the right hand photo.  My house is beside the holly tree at the end.  I think I might have to pop along to the overgrown part with a pair of shears and so a bit of a tidy up .

The weather was still lovely when I got home so I sat on the patio for a while.  Poor Neil has to work all weekend and he's doing shifts which require him to be available all the time to take calls, answer queries etc so no time to enjoy the fine weather.

Steps today - 6,149

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