
Book number twenty-two was a short one so it has been a two book sort of weekend. Written by the author of book number twenty-nine last year which was definitely in my top three in 2022, I enjoyed it but wanted more of the characters. There is a Radio 4 Bookclub episode on the book which I will listen to now that I have read it. And a week on from the last garden collage everything is responding to the mix of rain and sunshine by turning their faces up. 

Up with Bailey for his breakfast and with only one work job to be done this weekend, I cleaned the kitchen whilst still in my PJs and changed the spare  bed ready for visitors next weekend. Back to bed for some reading and a bit more sleep before getting up properly and walking Bailey. Back to do some lesson prep for Y13 for their final lesson before their first exam. With blue skies and sunshine continuing, I decided to walk round to the supermarket to get Bailey supplies after lunch and then there was some garden sitting, reading and a bit of an afternoon nap. The last week of Term Five ahead and I am hopeful for a speedy one.  

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