Relaxed (MM487)

about the state of my hearing?

I've always had (what I thought to be) a good attitude to personal safety and looking after my health.  I use these ear-plugs to protect my hearing when I am using loud machinery - although I did buy them many years back for loud concerts. I'm guessing they are the reason I can still hear pretty well despite my liking for loud music.

I used them today cutting the grass at the church - the small mower is not too loud but the strimmer is something I'd not want to use for long without them.  If anything, the blower is the worst of all, even though it is at arms length from my ears it is much louder than the strimmer engine which is much closer.

The one thing they don't deal with is people trying to speak to me when I have them in and the strimmer wailing away ... despite any gestures pointing at them.  Cest la Vie?

12 images focus stacked together, the ear plugs are on an LED Light Pad.

Thanks to ApolloFly for hosting Mono Monday. 

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