Down By The Canal

My meal delivery run went smoothly  - despite the crazy old woman who insisted on pushing her shopping trolley along the road for at least 1/4 mile that I saw. She totally ignored any traffic and for most of the time she wandered down the middle of the road.

After we had finished that run, we went home and had a quick drink - and I got a visit from Mr Mac who required a piece of kitchen workshop run through the bandsaw.

It was then back to The Larder to pick up the meals for a second meal run to cover for one of the volunteers who is on holiday.

There was no 'running order' to the list, so we had to try and work it out 'on the hoof'.
That was bad enough - but houses seemed to be hidden all over the place and numbers seemed to be hidden. I really lost the rag when one address was given in the new buildings being thrown up in East Calder. Now, I had been warned that the post code and address was not coming up on search engines and that phone calls and e-mails had not been replied to.
East Calder is currently being doubles in size (or so it seems) and there are thousands of houses being thrown up by masses of builders (to avoid having to build social housing).
We couldn't find any street with the name we were looking for, we couldn't find anyone - including workmen who knew anything, we could only find one sales office open (half of the signs pointing to sales offices didn't) and the women there had no idea and couldn't help.
So we gave up and carried on - to find one road that changed name half way along; but without a sign to say so and another one (a Crescent) where the house numbers continued along the street that the Crescent was off!!!!!!!
While I was losing the rag trying to find a house that was meant to be in the Crescent (but wasn't) SWMBO managed to find the area that the missing street was meant to be in .... so we went back and hunted again.
Still nothing.

Home .... 7 hours after starting.


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