Moose and Tiger, Rolling on the River

Why yes, while I was eating pizza with friends yesterday, my husband DID get the two double cheeseburgers and a whole basket of fries at McDonald's. And as you can see, the fry container makes a very nice BOAT!

Little Moose and T. Tiger and Lil RBG decided it was time for an adventure. So they packed up their moose-boat and off we went, with all of them tucked into my pink daysack, and with me on my bike.

First, we stopped at our favorite pond. We put the moose-boat at the edge, but the fast friends admit they were a bit daunted by the thought that the place was full of tadpoles and frogs.

We weren't so sure how sea-worthy our vessel was, either. So in the end, the friends just hung out by the edge and admired the reflections. (Okay, so it's a little pond and not a river, but we're doing the best that we can with what we've got!)

Then we went to see the Pink Ladies of the Woods, also known as lady's slipper orchids. It was a lovely visit and we had a very fine adventure indeed! What a day for fun times with friends in the moose-boat!

Now, it's my custom to include a soundtrack song, and I'll bet you know what you're getting for today, my friends! I was so sorry to hear the news that Tina Turner passed. I celebrate her with her music, and with her presence, and with her body, and with her dancing, all of which were extraordinary! Here is one of my favorites: Tina and Beyonce, with Proud Mary; now hold on, because we like to do things nice . . . and ROUGH!!!

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