Lamb at Felbrigg

H and I walked at Felbrigg this morning, it was overcast and cool with a strong wind. The vegetation looked lovely and green. Near the end of the walk we saw some sheep with their lambs as in my photo. See extra for a photo of a sheep who definitely thought the grass was greener the other side of the fence! The sun came out this afternoon, so I sat in my garden reading and finished my book - a re-read of the last (to date) book in the Fiona Griffiths detective series by Harry Bingham.

I forgot to mention yesterday that our journeys to Watatunga seem fated. After the first visit a year ago we found Swaffham was closed off and the diversion took us back to where we started, so we had a very long and tortuous journey home. Yesterday on the way back, the car two in front of me veered off the road into the grass three times as we drove past Fakenham. Then coming up to a blind bend further on, a motorbike came tearing round the corner overtaking a car and only just got ahead and in as it reached me coming the other way - if I'd been a large lorry or a caravan it would probably have been a different story!

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