William and Edward

The first time I had seen my grandsons since 18th March when I was in Coalville Hospital. And haven't they grown, William especially.

He brought me the picture book called Disasters which, apparently, I had given to George when he was eight. We looked at the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79 and the impact of a huge tsunami which destroyed much habitation on the eastern coast of Honshu, Japan, in the late nineteenth century.

Ben, the cat, came and said Hello while we were reading this.

Then Will and Edward tipped out a bag of Duplo and started building with it.

It was lovely to see them.

B12 injection and dressing change this morning. Gratifyingly, the wound on my heel is beginning to close up. The nurse has put a gel dressing on it to try and peel off all the mess that has adhered to the heel. We shall find out if it was successful next Tuesday.

Then to Finkins for coffee and bacon sandwich.

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