
A pretty big scar for that tree!

I was heading up to the top of campus again to find a shady trail to get some steps in.

Had a panic in the afternoon when the school sent a truancy message saying Leo was missing from school and they did not know where he was. I was expecting him to be in his Computing exam. Then they followed up a few minutes later to apologise and say they had messed up and when they took class registers they had failed to account for kids taking exams!

So he was actually taking an exam in school which is why he wasn’t in his usual timetabled class. I wonder if this is all just done by a click of a button with canned messages if kids are not in class.

You’d have thought the fact that exams are on would have made them think twice though!

They usually give study leave around exams but have insisted they go in which seems to be messing with their record keeping!

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