I had no plans for today but ended up going to Newcastle.

A few months ago I came across a site called  " Too Good To Go"

About the site - Food waste is a big problem and Food To Go can be a solution. It is the app that lets you rescue unsold food from an untimely fate at your favourite spots.  Use the app to explore shops and restaurants in your local area and save Surprise Bags of surplus food from going to waste at a great price.

Since I found the site Ive been checking the app every day to see whats available.  Until today - nothing.  Either the location hasn't been convenient or the timing or theres been nothing left. Bags tend to get snapped up very quickly.   But when I checked the app today at 2.30pm there was one Surprise Bag left at The Magic Cafe in Newcastle.  I hadn't heard of it so I checked its location - its in the city centre near the Laing Art Gallery. Easy for me to get to.  So I claimed the Surprise Bag on the app.  Collection was between 4pm and 4.30pm so I set off for Newcastle. 

Had a slow wander around until 4pm and then went to the Magic Cafe.  There were 4 piles of food on a table and I just had to choose one of them to take home.  When I told the lady at the till that this was the first time I had manged to get a Surprise Bag she gave me an added extra - a large piece of apple cake. 

The bag consisted of 3 trifles ( Morrisons ) a pack of mushrooms, 2 stotties . 1 large baguette, a bottle of water, a bottle of fresh passion fruit lemonade ( Pizza Express ), a pack of chicory, a spring cabbage, a tub of veggie cous cous salad and a pot of chicken liver parfait ( Marks and Spencers.)  Plus the apple cake.  All for £4.  Amazing.

A couple of items have short use by dates but most will last another week or so.  The chicken liver parfait isn't out of date till 20th June.  

As I was walking back to get the bus home I spotted a Newcastle Beer Bike passing by and managed to get a quick shot.  See Extra.  Its a vehicle with a bar propelled by pedalling.It has a driver/guide in charge of the vehicle ( he's probably the only one on there who is sober ) and it makes stops at various locations around town. It can hold up to 12 people and drinks are provided. It costs £430 for an hours ride. Its popular with stag parties and works nights out etc. It has a sound system playing loud music and  the passengers today were in high spirits as they pedalled by.

Thanks for all your concern re my tumble yesterday. I'm happy to report I have suffered no ill effects. 

Steps today - 6,863

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