It's Mono Monday and the theme is "Challenge."
Racers are being constantly challenged on a road course; here the #1 car is challenging the #31 car in a short straight sprint heading into Turn 9 and the vaunted Carousel at Road America.  Often, a driver considers his "success" not if he won but rather how far he advanced through the pack from his starting position.  Challenges occur everywhere on the course but this Blipper finds corner challenges to be the most exciting.
Today is also Memorial Day in the U.S.  It's a National holiday where we set aside time to remember the sacrifices of our Nation's armed forces and those of their families.  Every big city and every small village has some sort of ceremony.  Here, members of the Local American Legion Post 484 in my village, fire the traditional rifle volley after the ceremony.  TAPS was then played and all were dismissed in silence to remember the sacrifices of all who gave the last great measure of patriotism. I cannot help but weep every time I hear TAPS played on the bugle...I've lost so many friends to war.
Best in Large.
ADDENDUM:  I should have read the Challenge more carefully...it appears that I have it all wrong.  I presumed that the photo was to show a Challenge..like a pole vaulter or a high jumper trying to get over a high bar.  Had I read carefully, I would have seen that I was to "challenge" myself to shoot outside of the box I typically shoot from.  Mea Culpa!  Mea Maxima Culpa!

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