Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Chinese Lane

I walked a different route from Central station to Darling Harbour for the Congress today, and in so doing I passed by the opening of this little lane, which I thought looked really rather cool, with the blue wavy stuff, and the hanging figures, and all the bricks and lines. Mrs tsuken agreed; in fact I got an exclamation mark when I sent it to her for an opinion. 8) I thought: it's a little odd how it seems cities often have a "Chinatown"; not other ethnicity-towns as often, but it seems always a Chinatown.

Worth looking a bit larger.

Interesting day at Congress, though the afternoon session went South somewhat during a QandA-style ethics session, when one audience member posed a situation and question that I (and I think most others) found rather perplexing: not a tricky-ethical-dilemma sort of perplexing, but a "wat r u on about?" sort of perplexing. So that was a bit of a let-down. The rest of the session was good though, as were the morning sessions.

Wife-of-tsuken has made stem gingernuts. I am determined there will be some for when parents-of-tsuken arrive at house-of-tsuken, but tonight at least some will be bikkies-of-tsuken. (These things dunked in tea are unspeakably amazing.)

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