I once owned a 50% share of about 16 teapots. One broke, sadly, so I owned a 50% share of about 15 teapots. At least, I assumed I did. It turned out that neither of us much liked about eight of those so they went to a charity shop. I assumed I now owned a 50% share of seven teapots. But I was wrong and when I moved I had none. My mum gave me one of hers that she didn't use but the next time the owner of the other seven visited he dropped its lid and broke it so I was back to none. And so it has been for about two years.

When my recent French guests discovered it was my birthday they tried to buy me a teapot but couldn't find one they thought I'd like. Today I found this, new, in a charity shop. I now have a 100% share of one teapot. It's all I need.

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