Growing Lambs

Still small enough to be inquisitive and cute! As are our grandchildren. They have both been little lambs today as we, and their other granny, spent the day looking after them. The reason: their mum and dad had been up all night with food poisoning, and continued to feel unwell, sick and dizzy, and rested in bed as much as they could.

The little ones were so good. This afternoon we took them to the local park. Although the young master mostly watched his sister from the pushchair, he did enjoy a swing sitting on my knee. When we went a little higher than at first, he gave happy little chuckles. Little Miss B giggled happily the higher she flew, too.

So, a tiring day, but once again - a relief that we're on hand, and not hundreds of miles away. And less tiring for us than for the sufferers, bless 'em. Of course, our 'to do' list is untouched.

Tomorrow's another day...

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