
By RunAndrewRun

Run number three!

After the rest-day yesterday, back to the running this evening (no time before work this morning!) and another 2-mile canal-jog completed ...

... trying desperately to keep the canal-pictures at least slightly different on each occasion: not sure I'm succeeding?? Nice bit of graffiti here :-(

Anyhow - not much change in today's statistics:

Date: 29/5/13
Height: 6 ft 4inches
Weight: 16stone 9pounds (woohoo!)
Distance run: 2miles
Pace: 8mins/mile (steady as she goes!)

Rest day tomorrow, next run on Friday morning.

And, the usual reminder that you can read a bit more on just why I'm undertaking this insanity (and maybe even sponsor me!) by clicking here.

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