
Back to work for me today and I almost forgot.  I’ve had such a lovely long weekend, work was the last thing on my mind, even though I knew I was back today and was in the office.  It was a lovely morning, but there is still a cool breeze, so I wore a coat, just in case. 
It was busy as ever, with much to catch up from the end of last week and the usual back to back Tuesday morning meetings.  I had no lunch with me today so went out in search of a sandwich.  The day was still quite nice, but I was glad of my coat.   I didn’t stay too late today as I just wanted to get home.  However, the buses were all to pot, probably due to the Bruce Springsteen concert.  When I got home, BB still had not returned from his afternoon at the beach.  I was sure one of use would have to go and pick some teens up, but others had obviously roped their parents in before BB got round to it, and he was dropped back home, a wee bit pink – but they had a great time.  Of course he was starving.
Later I popped out to the supermarket for a few things including ice cream which had been requested.
This frieze in George Street is the five foolish virgins, clothed, in attitudes of despair and anguish. They represent (l to r): Wistfulness, Self-absorption, Panic, Despair and Procrastination.

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