And they are off....

We woke at 4.00 am and Jane collected us around 5.00 am for the drive to Bristol. Car parked, cases dragged to departures, time on hands allowed us a nice bacon butty breakfast before heading for the flight. Smooth flight to Inverness where we picked up the hire car, headed for a superstore where food had been ordered on the click and collect system and were on our way to Ullapool. 
Smooth crossing to Stornaway, during which we enjoyed  supper. 
The drive to the cottage was interesting,  instructions and road signs not always agreeing, but we landed at the cottage safely around 11.00 pm.
Unpacked the car, drank a huge glass of red wine and hit the bed!
I am not sure I will be commenting much this week, so apologies in advance, but we want to make the most of this beautiful area.

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