A trip over to see Mum today.  Apparently she spent yesterday cleaning out her shed - well it's a brick built addition to the garage but is a smalls shed like space.  She swept and washed it out, at 91, almost 92 years of age!!!   WHY - it's the shed, is only used to chuck a few things in so is not really necessary!!!!  Before that she'd spent some time washing kitchen and bathroom floors!!!!

Anyway she's alright and at least she had the sense not to move anything that was "a bit too heavy for me now"!!!!

Anyway we did a couple of jobs for her and then after lunch came home via Morecambe prom, just the top end.  It was busy but not heaving and in fact very pleasant, just enough people enjoying the sun to make it fun.

I stopped to take a couple of photos and then couldn't decide which one to blip (see extras).

I've just realised that it's SUNDAY and I missed the LetsDo52 prompt for this week - how did that happen!!!!  More determind effort to enter a couple for next week.

I've also got to remind myself about Seppo's homework but as I haven't been out far this last week I'll have to  find some from the week before and hope they will suffice.

WINDOWS 11 - I keep getting told I can switch to Windows 11 now but am unsure whether to do this or not.  Have any of my blip friends switched over and if so is it good, hope you don't mind my asking??!!!!

We have my car back.  On Friday we were told that a pipe had broken so it was going to be Monday now.  However the garage owner worked on it yesterday and phoned  us at 10 past 4 to say it was ready.  So I now  have air con - yippee.  Much needed by me if I'm to go out when its warm/hot.

I hope you are all well, do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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