E.B. Catching the light.

We went to church this morning, our usual Birmingham Vineyard. By lunchtime the sun had dispelled the early morning cloud and the day warmed up.
We’ve spent most of the afternoon in the summerhouse. I had a friend call in unexpectedly so we sat and had a cuppa and a catch-up whilst Stephen decided to go for a bike ride.
She is going to Italy a week on Wednesday with a tour group that caters for mainly older people. Having brought up her 4 children on her own after her husband left, has been tough and a credit to her.They are all now married with children and good jobs, so having worked all those years till retirement, she has decided to go and see something of the world. And this tour company is just right for her.
Once she left to just walk the short distance up the road I settled down with my book, and it is a real page turner!
I realised I’ve not caught up with blips today, but I will eventually. Pleased you liked the Poetry Lady yesterday.
Today it is a photo of my Sir Cliff Richard rose, which was bought as gift for me by our former daughter-in-law Heidi. I’ll tell you the story behind it tomorrow!
It is the only one in the garden which seems to be flourishing right now.
The hedgehog and fox were in evidence once more last night.
The hedgehog, (must give him a name), has started to arrive just around 9:30pm.
It was still fairly light last night at 22:15 and a beautiful full moon.

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