Morning walk in the Park.

A busy day.
The washing was out on the line before 10.00am.
We went for a walk in Sutton Park before our lunch at 13:00.
The washing was dry by then.
I had my 90 minutes French Conversation at 16:00 followed by tea.
Watering the garden then took place.
Now here I am to write my blip and catch up on yours!
I said I would tell you the story of my Sir Cliff Richard rose, which was my photo yesterday.
Not long after our Matt died, someone spoke to us about a show that Sir Cliff was doing at the (then named) NEC arena Birmingham.He knew Cliff personally and said that he always kept some free tickets to give to people for whom life’s circumstances may be hard for one reason or another.
So we received 4 free tickets. Matt’s brother did not particularly want to see it, so ourselves and Heidi, ( Matt’s wife) said we would go.
Heidi remembered that her friend absolutely loved Cliff and gave her the other ticket. We all then went together. (She may read this blip and remember, being a Blipper herself,)
When we got there we thought the seats would be nearer the front, but they were a long way back which meant you’d need opera glasses to see any close ups. There were big screens as well.
At the time I know myself and Heidi found it funny that the tickets for “special circumstances” that we had been led to believe would be super duper, were situated where they were. We had a good laugh as it happened.
It was a fantastic evening, but shot through with the glaring loss of the space Matt left behind.
Quite awhile afterwards Heidi sent me this Sir Cliff Richard rose. It is so beautiful right now, with lots of buds and four open blooms. Situated next to the summerhouse. It is flourishing this year better than ever where the other standard roses have struggled.
There is a little more cloud around this evening, where last night was crystal clear blue. It was hardly dark at 10:15.
I’ll put the photo in extras.


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