Serene Sunday

Stepping away from the car…….the volcanoes stand silent, ancient to me.  Clouds rise to the east, behind Black and JA…mighty, majestic, growing, gathering, growing….

Today I stand before Vulcan, a being 125,000 years old.  Last week I touched petrified wood 1,000, 000 (one million) years old.  What am I to these eons?

I do not feel lessened by their history, but rather grateful to be sentient, to be present to greet the Old Ones.

I have come to drum, to draw, to hike, to think… watch the clouds drift slowly eastward.

Looking across the rim of Vulcan’s Caldera, I am rewarded with a great collared lizard posing, sunning on a lava boulder.  On my way, a hundred different lizards (I swear!) race through the desert landscape. (3 different species in extras)

It’s not in the miles or the meters clocked; but rather in the ideas considered and the perspective adjusted to develop a broader view.

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