Stormy Monday

The storms have battered the last of the chrysanthemums but I can see a few new buds in there so maybe they’ll be around for a bit longer!! : )

The rain has continued today and the ceiling in the hallway at home has cracked and water is coming through there ugh its a nightmare!!!    
Home is on the second floor and there are literally no roofing people available to come and help as there seems to be many people in a similar situation!  Its not something we can deal with ourselves unfortunately as its wet and windy and very scary up there!
If the rain pauses tomorrow we may get lucky! Eeeeek!!!  
We have a big plastic tub under it which is catching all the water and as long as it doesnt collapse we’ll get through the night at least!

The window in my office at work on the floor below home has been leaking and a lot of water has blown in there as well. A lot of paperwork is wet but nothing too serious and I’ve saved it all!! The computer and all other electrical things are on the other side of the room so no problem with all that phew!!!
I’ve moved everything off the desk and covered it all with plastic sheeting.
The rain never comes in there except on rare occasions, of course this is a rare occasion!!

Fun and games!! ; )

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