Not for the faint hearted!

Sunday 4th June 2023                         (backblip)

I have also backblipped Saturday's Shadow plus reflection ..... hope you will have a look .... thanks to those who already have :-)

Another walk in the sunshine today though there was more cloud about. Still got that chilly, blustery wind too.

As we passed by the wood we caught a brief glimpse of a Muntjac but it disappeared off into the trees ... great to see it though :-)

No sign of yesterday's Heron on the riverbank today .... did see Mrs Mallard who now has only 8 ducklings but they are growing well.

We did have quite an eventful encounter as can be seen above!

No idea how the crow got hold of the mole but there was quite a tussle going on ..... the mole was putting up quite a fight but succumbed in the end :-(

Sorry if you find this image upsetting but the natural world can be cruel.

I have also blipped a young Magpie .... a Linnet & also a young fledgling Whitethroat ..... hope you like them :-)

Stay safe everyone :-)

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