...but which one is the odd one out?  

The mornings seem to be worse as far as pain is concerned, when I have been in bed all night, so I begin my day very gingerly and need a walking stick to help me, but that’s fine.  I rather liked the way these were lined up and thought they would make a good Blip and of course, had a little fartnarkle with them on one of my apps.

You can see I have a good choice - three belonged to Mr. HCB’s Mother, one belonged to my Mother, one belonged to our neighbour, Lynn’s Mother and one is for when I will be out “Singing in the Rain” and of course, I will be wearing my new bright pink trainers too!

I rested all morning as we had a dental appointment this afternoon, which was challenging because the treatment room is up some very steep stairs, although I could have asked to be seen downstairs.    However, I decided that I would get up those stairs if it killed me but fortunately it didn’t and everyone at the dental surgery is very kind, especially Sat, our dentist, himself.  Sat always does thorough checks especially around the jaw and neck areas, so I told him today he should start doing facials, as it would be very relaxing - he said he would think about it!

Thank you for all your kind comments and best wishes yesterday - I will try and comment more tonight but thank you in advance for your patience.  

I used to have this phobia when our boys were small and couldn’t bear to tear off chunks of cotton wool from a large roll when changing them - but today you can buy cotton wool balls, so I don’t think I would have it now, but who knew there was a phobia for this?

An extreme fear of cotton balls or anything consisting of the material.  Usually people can’t bear to touch cotton balls or are terrified of the sound they make when torn apart.

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