Say " Hello" to the future

This is one of my collection of new digital images which I collected from the printer this afternoon.

It's in preparation for Artbeat- Open Studios- which starts this weekend, so that's the focus of the next two weeks though I will only be participating over the two weekends.

After the recent Open Gardens followed by Hay Festival its a major change of focus and my studio, a rather grand name for the conservatory, is having its annual Spring clean. I never cease to be amazed by the amount of clutter, rubbish I accumulate in the course of the year. If Open Studios achieves nothing else for me it does mean that I end up with a clean and tidy place for another year.

The theme for me this year is AI. Yes I know this will be controversial. So be it. I will show images created using it( like this blipfoto) alongside my own work. Visitors can take their pick. 

PS. No, there will be nothing for sale. Instead visitors will be offered an "experience" i.e make their own AI image or create their own mud painting.
Or just have a chat and wander around our garden. ( I have resigned myself to the fact that visitors much prefer the garden to my work).

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