Cysgod hudol

Cysgod hudol ~ Magical shade

“Magic doesn't sweep you away; it gathers you up into the body of the present moment so thoroughly that all your explanations fall away: the ordinary, in all its plain and simple outrageousness, begins to shine -- to become luminously, impossibly so.”
― David Abrams

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Aethon ni am dro i (ac o gwmpas) Barc y Mynydd Bychan.  Roedd y tywydd yn boeth eto. Bydd rhaid i mi gofio'r gwres - gallai cadw i fi gynnes trwy'r gaeaf. Roedden ni'n hapus i gerdded yn y cysgod ac yn ffeindio mainc oedd wedi cael ei haddurno yn amlwg  gan y tylwyth teg. Yna cerddon ni i'r bwyty ar gornel y parc lle roedden ni wedi cael cacennau a diodydd oer. Roedd e'n dda iawn i fynd allan ar ddiwrnod heulog - ond roedd e'n dda i gyrraedd adre ac yn eistedd rhywle cŵl.

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We went for a walk to (and around) Mynydd Bychan Park. The weather was hot again. I'll have to remember the heat - it could keep me warm all winter. We were happy to walk in the shade and find a bench that had clearly been decorated by the fairies. We then walked to the restaurant on the corner of the park where we had cakes and cold drinks. It was very good to go out on a sunny day - but it was good to get home and sit somewhere cool.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Mainc yn y cysgod
Description (English): A bench in the shade

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