Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

Washing fire trucks

Today we had the opportunity to visit a nearby town and participate in their annual wash a fire truck event. It is a quintessential small activity where the fire department invites local families to come and help "clean" two fire trucks. Of course, most of the little kids are highly ineffective cleaners, but that is not the point. The kids love looking at the fire trucks while "cleaning". Needless to say, the little TMGs loved this

This is not a posed shot, but was planned. I was watching my little TMG clean the truck and composed the shot waiting for the sponge to reach the logo. I wish that the sponge was washing the other side of the logo so less of it was obscured, but am still happy with the result.

I love the combination of the logo, sponge and bubble covered hand. Check out flickr for some additional shots from the event.

No post processing, the image is straight from the camera

Constructive criticism always welcome

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