Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Before the trauma

Poor Charlie (and poor Charlie's pet parents) had to visit the vet today.  We noticed recently that he seemed to be getting constipated regularly and decided we shouldn't wait any longer to take him to the vet.  The vet confirmed that he was "backed up" and recommended an enema.  Along with the recommendation came the warning that the trip home was likely to get unpleasant.  Which it did.  Thank goodness Hubs has a stronger stomach for this sort of thing than I do and he got Charlie and the crate cleaned up when we got home.  Needless to say, Charlie is very out of sorts still, poor guy.  But at least he is no longer backed up...  We've got some fish oil coming from Amazon tomorrow and will try to increase Charlie's intake of water somehow.

Jax has been at day care all day where he's hopefully gotten his fill of playing.  I've no doubt that he will want to smell Charlie's nether regions and that it won't be well received.  Oh well.  Maybe I will have two glasses of wine tonight.  And extra chocolate.

Meanwhile, on the Left Coast, my dad is just starting to climb out the other side of a cold and Mom is just starting to get it.  No fun for either of them, and of course I worry.  Yes, definitely going to have two glasses of wine tonight.  

Meanwhile, when I was out on the patio for a while today, the garden chipmunk came running up and put his paws on my leg.  Definitely the same chippie we had last year and he knows where to come for peanuts.  Now I just have to convince Jax that chipmunks are not good to eat.  Surprisingly, he seems to be getting the idea.  

Oh, and a second male hummingbird was around today - I became aware of this when both males careened past my head close enough to stir my hair.  Yes, I love it.


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