Former summer camp

I have understood that somewhere in 1960's, or even earlier, in Finland the covernment guided cities and towns build communal summer camps to those children who had not any possibility to spend their summer at countryside. So many people had moved to cities and had no grandmums in country any more. Spending the summer - or even a part of it - in countryside was concidered very healthy to the child. And maybe it was, as so many parents were working in the cities during summer as they do now too. The summer camps were quite cheap for the families, as the cities owned the camp areas and they offered the camp place half free if the family was not able to pay the normal fee.

The summer holiday in all finnish schools bebun today. Back in time this summer camp would be full of workers already as the first children would come in monday for their summer camp. But the world has changed. There is only few summer camps left in Finland. This particular summer camp area is sold and there will be built some flats and houses in next few years.

The ghost of the old summer dream is still there, in this old camp, I quess.

I have been in a summer camp in 1970's myself. There was some 50 children at that time. I knew not a single of them before. I really hated the place and was afraid for the rest of the time. Had bad night sleep as there were 8 children sleeping in the same room, and all I remember there was some stupid games, cleaning wooden toilettes and peeling potatoes. I maybe was not that social being at that time, if now either... In half of the camp there was a quest day, so I begged my mum take me away from there. And she did. Marvellous! There was never speaking of a summer camp since. Summer alone (and with my friends) in the city was better solution to me.

I wonder if this has been a finnish habbit? Do you have a similar summer camps???

Heading for summer in odd feelings, as the northern Finland again has had a very hot day, even 31c. And we had some 26c in shadows. Sunny, warm, sweaty day. Lovely!

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