
By papertiger

Sense memory.

It was very pleasant to savour its aroma, for smells have the power to evoke the past, bringing back sounds and even other smells that have no match in the present.

-- Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

I had a stressful day at my Saturday work today. I had a bit of a panic on my drive there, tight chest, shaky hands; teary. Too much to do, not nearly enough time. Making 3 performances is tough and as I keep telling the kids their plays won't get made by magic but by hard work.

When I came home I found a random tube of hand cream in the cupboard. I have loads, and I never use any of them. But I decided that my dry hands probably deserved some, so I opened it up and I felt as if I was literally being transported back through time ... It smells like the cream my Nannan used to wear. She died of lung cancer when I was 7 in 1988. The smell of her lotions is so present in my memory, it's like she's in the room with me.

It smells of cherry blossom and hugs and sunny days.

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