Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Time to say Goodbye

I was up early this morning and on the train to Dumbarton to the funeral of my friend Fran who died recently. I was pleased to be able to get the direct train and even more pleased to use my rail card.
I was rather disappointed in the train to find that there were no tables at any of the seats, not even fold down ones on the backs of the seats in front. Apart from providing somewhere to put your cup of coffee(bought at Waverley as no catering on the train) they are very useful to hold your book laptop etc. Not to menton as a support so you can put your head down and go to sleep. I found it very uncomfortable sitting in a very upright position on the shallow seats, unsupported, for a couple of hours. They are also fairly essential to help keep children occupied in various activities. I wonder why they are no longer fitted. It's not as if it was a short distance train, the full journey to Helensburgh is well over 2 hours.
The funeral service went well, directed and organised by Fran before her death. Her coffin was white cardboard, as seems very sensible, and there were no flowers, but one of her red hats sat on top of the coffin. Very Fran. The singing was excellent in the full church and it felt like a good and very personal send off for her.
My blip is of the view towards the church on the High St, I rather liked the little lamps on the platform.
On the way back on the train I spotted the Waverley in the distance at her mooring by the Science Centre Tower. (extra) I wondered what the boat on the other side of the river was - Laura, do you know?

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