Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Three Inch Fools

Our usual Sunday morning today which started with church. I arrived to be greeted with "Is Colin coming? There is no power in the hall." Not being clear why they thought they needed him to see what was wrong I checked the fuse board and as I expected the fuse had tripped. I reset it and like magic power was restored! They had waited two days with no power! I do get exasperated when people don't look for the obvious solution (or indeed for any solution) when they have a problem but pass it on to somebody else. Another person came up me to tell me there were smelly nappies in the bin in the toilets! When I took the bin and emptied it into the outside bin she did have the grace to look sheepish and say that she could probably have done that! Just as well I went into church - praying about it rather than using violence was probably the more acceptable solution!
This evening we went to an outdoor performance at Lauriston Castle by a company called the Three Inch Fools. There were three of them! We took waterproofs and several layers of clothing as well as our posh new folding chairs and a small picnic. The rain came on 15 minutes before the start and it was very heavy! We wrapped up well but I still got very wet. The shower passed just as the show began and the performance carried on in lovely bright evening light. The temperature didn't rise much though and we were really cold. The show, Robin Hood, was excellent the cast playing a large range of musical instruments and singing as well as speaking throughout. The show went on even though the female member of the cast had slipped and sprained her ankle badly a couple of days ago. She was told to rest it and so spent the entire performance sitting down while the other two adlibbed around her. It didn't spoil the show and seeing her being carried around to the various areas of the set added to the drama and the humour. There was a degree of confusion beteeen Little John and John Lennon and Prince John and Prince too! Maid Marion, who was rather stroppy even if also rather stationary, even managed the immortal line "I shot the Sheriff!" The audience came back with the expected response. There were some remarkable pieces of dialogue, some puppetry and a lot of laughter.
I was so cold that when I got home I ran a hot bath. My fingers were still tingling when I finished. It was worth it though. An excellent show, do go to see them if you get the chance, preferably on a warm sunny afternoon. It was hard to believe this was July.

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