secret garden

By freespiral


I know I shouldn't be surprised but I always am -at just how very kind and thoughtful blippers are, thank you so much for all those stars and hearts and comments on my teenagedom. I'll try not to get too spotty and bolshy but I can't promise. 

So nice to hear from everyone but there were quite a few blippers I hadn't heard from in ages so thank you for swinging by. It was also very poignant to hear from Chaiselongue's husband as it was coincidentally the 10th anniversary of her death, such a shock to the blip community. My link takes you to one of her trademark balcony shots.

We had a skype with Joe this morning, in the middle of which was an earthquake! His lamp wobbled!

A busy weekend as it's Bantry Literary festival so I shall catch up when I can. Thank you again  - thanks endorsed by the BVM :) for flower friday!

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