
By TonyG

Before the Rain

A dry fairly bright morning gave way to incessant rain this afternoon exactly as forecast.  I paid heed and got Meg and Bella out for a run before lunch.  We also walked a little way up the lane and found the Donkeys back in their home field.   This one, curious to see us, came much closer .... which Meg was not impressed about.  We backed off but the Donk seemed unperturbed.

This afternoon I had my first go on a potters wheel.  Throwing is a lot harder than the accomplished make it look.  After explanations and a demonstration, four of us had a go.  OK several goes!   It's all about feeling the clay, once you learn the basics.  I know that I am usually a slow learner of these kinds of skill and I also know that practice is the best way for me to learn.  Even through my failures, collapsing clay, misshapen pieces, I gradually got a better feel for it.   I was the only one with nothing much to show at the end but I am optimistic that I will master the art in time.  

Home to Meg, Bella and Mum whose kind dog-sitting released me to go to pottery.  We ate and chatted a bit, video called family.  After a busy few days I am tired tonight.  An early night to re-charge I think.

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