twinned with trumpton


Up and out; a jaunt to Fife beckoned.  Dropped the bike at Her's and down to Waverley to board the 0950 to Dunfermline QM. 
She had an appointment with Endoscopy so I got the rough end of the stick and got dog minding duties whilst She was under sedation. (Because there was sedation, She needed to be discharged to a responsible person. IKR!)

Having delivered the patient, Loki and I set off south. Firstly I was amazed at the new build houses. 4x4 on the driveways, and all gardens were paved or gravel or plastic grass. And people wonder why there's flooding and climate problems? The answer is there for all to see in deepest Dunfermline.

Onwards / southwards- Loki found a burn, I found a trolley in said burn, and then loads of photos of one of my favourite subject matters. 1960s Scottish Housing Estates. The sun shone as we wove our way through the pedestrianised pre fabs,  snapping away. Until the battery on the camera ran out.

Then off to the old hospital site and the waste ground there, into Asda for water and bananas and up towards Kingseat for trolley finds and a meander along a quiet country lane. 12km, largely with Loki off the lead, mostly sunny and dozens of snaps to edit.

The patient was drinking coffee when I arrived, the tortuous colon assessment revealed ... which makes plenty of sense.

Back to town on the train; a much needed fast breaking,  a hungover daughter for Her to deal with and a soggy run round the Meadows with the pup. 

For a day that promised little, it actually delivered. Oh and the Binos. Made it to the last 16 of the Viaplay Cup. St J 0 Binos 4. I did not have that on the coupon. A tie against The OF / Aberdeen/ Hibs / Heartz/ Motherwell/ Airdrie / Ayr  beckons! Huzzah!

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