twinned with trumpton


Annoyingly, the one day I didn't need to be up, I was awake just after 6... great, eh?

I knocked off the last 3 hours of OT and managed to sneak in a washing which I hung out as the downpour had subsided and into town I didst go.

She had 3 more hours to complete, so me and the dog took a turn around the Meadows before knocking together brunch.

Thereafter we abandoned town for Granton; I met Her off the 23 and managed to forage a few blackberries on the way home. 

I did salmon with a pickled cucmber and wasabi side and used the blackberries in a maple syrup sponge pudding with cream. 

After all that food, we took advantage of the sunny evening to take the hound to the beach; bumped into them there lads, fresh from Belladrum. And managed to get 4 wasp stings... August must be here, surely?

@musselburghlass - are we on for a blipmeet at Forthbank on the 19th? Nae offence but it's draw that you'll appreciate more than me; I can't see us improving on last season's 5-0 Viaplay Cup game. 

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