Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Mens Elite

We took advantage this morning of living right on the route of the men's cycle race. There was an air of excitement as they came through, they were so fast though, blink and you had missed them. These are the three leaders.
What did surprise me though, for a low impact sport, was the literally hundreds of vehicles accompanying them. Police motor cyclists, police cars, media vehicles, security and support cars. I was rather taken aback.
After they had passed by, I decided not to take my cough to church which I was rather sad about as our Franciscan priest was leading the service and a young (16 yrs) Russian boy playing the organ. He uses our organ to practise on and this is the second time he has played for a service.
This afternoon I visited IKEA and Costco with Ali and Josie, she enjoyed some meatballs in the cafe for her tea.
We had intended having roast chicken for dinner but instead decided to go to our next door neighbour's for dinner(it's an Indian Restaurant in case you think we were rather pushy!)
I can't believe we are into August already and a new week again - have a good week folks.

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